Education Facilities
Aside from quality education, health and security of the children are one of the top concerns of nearly every parent and school official. Understanding the importance of the school environment, it is understood that it is essential to have a secure learning atmosphere free of health issues, no matter the type of school is – whether it is a pre-school or university. There are different types of schools in the USA with regards to the kind of environment and special needs and regards to level and age range.

A clean and healthy environment will foster feelings of safety and calmness in the students, ensuring that they have the best possible learning experience at your school facility by providing a sanitary, clean, and overall pleasant environment. The cleaning, sanitizing, and disinfecting of school facilities requires training and experience. The cleaning staff must have a basic understanding disease transmission to ensure they know which areas to prioritize.
At CBA Building Services, our team has over 15 years of training and expertise in school cleaning. We understand the nuisances of education facilities.
Here are just a few of the problems associated with dirty schools:
1. Increased illnesses and absenteeism.
2. Reduced performance.
3. Students and staff take less pride in the school, which reduces moral.
4. Schools experience higher teacher and employee turnover. Higher turnover impacts student’s learning and opportunities for achievement.
5. Reduced property value.
Different types of school in the USA:
With regards to environment and special needs:
Public Schools – schools that are free as they are funded by the government.
Traditional Public Schools
Charter Schools
Magnet Schools
State Colleges
State Universities
Private Schools – schools that are not free as they are not funded by the government.
Traditional Private Schools
Boarding Schools
Special Education Schools
Religious Schools
With regards to level / age range:
Preschool / Prekindergarten – early childhood education and is operated by private institutions; ages on this level ranges from 3 to 5 years old.
Primary School and Middle School – both focus on subjects such as Math, English, Physical Education, Science, Social Studies, and Art; ages on this level starts at 6 and usually end at 13 to 14 years of age.
High School / Senior High – students take up core subjects and having additional elective subjects of their choice; ages on this level ranges from 14 to 18.
College – students choose own undergraduate program of which they are interested to.